Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Trump: Back at it Again

This blog will be focusing on Trump’s knowledge on Immigration because he has deployed the National Guard to the US – Mexico border to fight illegal immigration. I honestly have multiple question about his decision like how is the national guard going to improve the so-called border issue? Are they trained to handle these situations? What kind of impact does Trump think this new proclamation would do? Trump’s reason for his decision is "The lawlessness that continues at our southern border is fundamentally incompatible with the safety, security, and sovereignty of the American people," Trump wrote in a memo authorizing the move, adding that his administration had "no choice but to act."

A few more questions. What lawlessness? Does he have proof of this lawlessness? Where’s the facts?

Trump’s decision was made after he pledged to that he would take “strong action today” on immigration. The lack of progress on building his promised wall has been frustrating Trump. Even though the federal law prohibits the use of active duty service members for the law enforcement inside the U.S, unless authorized by Congress, over the past 12 years a president has sent the national guard to the southern border twice. The National Guard was sent to “the border to bolster security and assist with surveillance and other support”.

Kristjen Nielsen, Homeland Security Secretary has expressed that she had been working “with governors of the southwest border states to develop agreements on where and how many Guardsmen will be deployed”.

“One congressional aide said that lawmakers anticipate 300 to 1,200 troops will be deployed and that the cost was expected to be at least $60 million to $120 million a year. The Pentagon would probably need authorization from Congress for any funding beyond a few months, said the aide, who wasn't authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity”.

Governor Jerry Brown, said that “any federal request would be promptly reviewed to determine how the state could best offer its assistance”. Trump’s decision is being largely supported by four U.S States governors.

“Senators in Mexico urged President Enrique Pena Nieto to temporarily suspend cooperation with the U.S. on immigration and security issues. In a nonbinding statement approved unanimously Wednesday, the senators asked Mexico's government to freeze joint efforts "in the fight against transnational organized crime" until Trump starts acting "with the civility and respect that the people of Mexico deserve."
In all honesty I hope trump has some success with this plan he has put in motion. I do pray that those who are the border treats everyone like they are human. I hope they report the truth and that no one is murdered or mistreated during this process. I am aware of how the US can treat “enemies” or “illegals” and I hope they have a heart. We are all just humans trying to coexist in world overrun by racism and unfair capitalism.

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