Monday, February 12, 2018

Back at it again.

On the day of Love, he is back at it again. Senators from both the republican and democratic party are a race again time to make a decision on the pressing issue of immigration. However, on Wednesday Trump called on lawmakers to oppose the fate of Dreamers. Trump’s demand increases the political gridlock in the Senate. Instead of supporting the bill, Trump is asking for senator to oppose “any bill that did not also embrace the “four pillars” of his immigration approach, which includes a rewrite of the nation’s immigration laws that would close the country’s borders to many immigrants trying to come to the United States legally”. Trump fully support the Grassley bill prosed by Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

According to Trump the Grassley bill would “provide a path to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants, end the visa lottery program, build a border wall and end what he calls “chain migration,” which is family-based immigration”.

Trump express that many American voters would support the bill because it would keep them safe, America modern and make a lawful immigration system that the American People deserve. Trump does not want another “Band-Aid” approach to immigration some lawmakers have been proposing. The Band-Aid approach however protects dreamers for a couple years in exchange for a small increase in boarder security spending.

As an undocumented immigrant I have chosen not to follow the process the government is going through for immigrants because there is a lot of back and forth. However, I do hope they create a fair bill that will make it somewhat easier for dreamers to live their life in America. Most of us did not have a choice and we can’t just go back to our country because we’ve assimilated into the American lifestyle. Our life is HERE… In America. WE didn’t have a choice. We are young and couldn’t say no to our elders. I just hope the senators realized that there are real people and real lives that will be affected. I just pray they have some kind of love, kindness, understanding, and morals about them while making any decisions. If I was white I wouldn’t as afraid because the white undocumented community isn’t being focused on. It’s like that community doesn’t even exist. For what i've notice for the most part Whites always protect whites. The government protect others (ALL poc) when it is beneficial to them. That isn't how life should be. We should love each other dispite the color of our since or the origins of our life. 

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