Wednesday, February 28, 2018

ICE in Oakland

The immigration war between the Trump administration and the officials in California ended with the round of 150 arrested people. Mayor Libby Schaaf of Oakland, keep her promise to the people. She alerted residents that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents would be conducting their operation in Oakland. She urged undocumented people to be cautious.

Oakland declared itself a sanctuary city in order to combat Trump’s immigration crackdown. The resident of Oakland are in awe by their mayor’s actions and praised her for the warn.

But this isn’t the first Mayor Libby Schaaf, has been a real one. In a CBS articled posted January 17th, 2018 the Mayor said she’d go to jail if needed to in protest of the ICE raids.
“We are exercising our legal right to be a Sanctuary City and to protect our residents,” Schaaf told KPIX 5 of her opposition to ICE raids. “The fact that the federal government is suggesting that it is actively retaliating against jurisdictions that are exercising their right to have sanctuary policies — that is what is illegal.”

When asked if she were willing to go to jail to defend those policies, Schaaf answered emphatically “Yes!”

Thomas D. Homan was not happy with Mayor Scaaf announcement. Homan express that Mayor Scaaf decision to exposed ICE operation increased the risk of his officers and alerted “criminal aliens”. He called her decision reckless.

Scaaf stood by her decision stating that she was just giving her residents time to learn of their rights and know their legal options. "It was my intention that one mother, or one father, would use the information to help keep their family together. do not regret sharing this information. It is Oakland's legal right to be a sanctuary city and we have not broken any laws. We believe our community is safer when families stay together," she said in a statement.

To find out more on the story check out these links:

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Extra Credit: Fort Ross

Fort Ross: is located in Sonoma County, California. It was Russian establishment on the west coast.  Russian settled in California to participate in the Fur Trade. Their prized fur was Otto.

It is about 112 Miles from NDNU.

Monday, February 19, 2018

All About: Visas

What is a Visa? 
approval on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country.

Two types of visas:
Exit Visa 

are for people who would require a visa to exit their country. "Document giving authorization to leave a particular country" A few countries who requre an exit visa include Russia, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

Entry Visa
"A visa is a conditional authorization granted by a country to a foreigner, allowing them to enter, remain within, or to leave that country" for a certain amount of time.
Visa policy in the United States of America. 

Exit Visa is not required but in order to leave the country the US government requires for thier citizen to have a US passport. A valid passport became a requirement October 1, 2007.

The government  also accepts the following documentation for departure : 
  • U.S. Permanent Resident/Resident Alien Card (Form I-551);
  • U.S. Military ID Cards when traveling on official orders;
  • U.S. Merchant Mariner Card;
  • NEXUS Card;
  • U.S. Travel Document:
  • Refugee Travel Document (Form I-571); or
  • Permit to Re-Enter (Form I-327)
  • Emergency Travel Document (e.g. Consular Letter) issued by a Foreign Embassy or Consulate specifically for the purpose of travel to the bearer's home country.
  • Nationals of Mexico holding one of the following documents:
  • (expired) Matricula Consular; or
  • Birth Certificate with consular registration; or
  • Certificate of Nationality issued by a Mexican consulate abroad; or
  • Certificate of Military Duty (Cartilla Militar); or
  • Voter's Certificate (Credencial IFE or Credencial para Votar)

Entry Visa 

There are about 185 types of entry visas avaible to enter America. Those visas fall into two main caterogries: Nonimmigrant Visa and Immigrant Visa.

Nonimmigrant Visas are for people travelling from work, business, visiting family, studying and tourism. 
Immigrant Visas are for people immigrating to the US. "At the port of entry, the immigrant visa holder is processed for a permanent resident card (I-551, often known as a 'green card'). Upon endorsement (CBP admission stamp) it serves as temporary I-551 evidencing permanent residence for 1 year."

In 2012, U.S. citizens and nationals could travel to 166 countries visa-free or with visa on arrival, including most countries in Europe and South America. But there are a few big exceptions. Americans need to get advance visas to Brazil, China, Russia, India, Vietnam and most countries on the African continent.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Back at it again.

On the day of Love, he is back at it again. Senators from both the republican and democratic party are a race again time to make a decision on the pressing issue of immigration. However, on Wednesday Trump called on lawmakers to oppose the fate of Dreamers. Trump’s demand increases the political gridlock in the Senate. Instead of supporting the bill, Trump is asking for senator to oppose “any bill that did not also embrace the “four pillars” of his immigration approach, which includes a rewrite of the nation’s immigration laws that would close the country’s borders to many immigrants trying to come to the United States legally”. Trump fully support the Grassley bill prosed by Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

According to Trump the Grassley bill would “provide a path to citizenship for 1.8 million young immigrants, end the visa lottery program, build a border wall and end what he calls “chain migration,” which is family-based immigration”.

Trump express that many American voters would support the bill because it would keep them safe, America modern and make a lawful immigration system that the American People deserve. Trump does not want another “Band-Aid” approach to immigration some lawmakers have been proposing. The Band-Aid approach however protects dreamers for a couple years in exchange for a small increase in boarder security spending.

As an undocumented immigrant I have chosen not to follow the process the government is going through for immigrants because there is a lot of back and forth. However, I do hope they create a fair bill that will make it somewhat easier for dreamers to live their life in America. Most of us did not have a choice and we can’t just go back to our country because we’ve assimilated into the American lifestyle. Our life is HERE… In America. WE didn’t have a choice. We are young and couldn’t say no to our elders. I just hope the senators realized that there are real people and real lives that will be affected. I just pray they have some kind of love, kindness, understanding, and morals about them while making any decisions. If I was white I wouldn’t as afraid because the white undocumented community isn’t being focused on. It’s like that community doesn’t even exist. For what i've notice for the most part Whites always protect whites. The government protect others (ALL poc) when it is beneficial to them. That isn't how life should be. We should love each other dispite the color of our since or the origins of our life. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Blog 4:Exploited and Extorted, 30 Africans Drown while trying to Return Home from Yemen

In the Gulf of Aden, 30 African migrants and refugees drowned off Yemen. The Gulf of Aden separated Yemen a war-ravaged country from the Horn of Africa. The migrants and refugees drowned after their overcrowded vessel capsized. Somalis and Ethiopians were among the victims, who temporarily sought refuge in Yemen. On their way back to their home countries, they lost their life. 

This is an example of immigrants returning home to their home countries. This shows that a good proportion of the immigrants are only seeking a temporary situation. 

“These migrants, as far as we can tell, are folks who have been in limbo inside Yemen for some time,” said Joel A. Millman, a spokesman for the International Organization for Migration, a United Nations agency. “Because of the incredibly difficult conditions of Yemen, people get fed up.”

They are running from one bad situation to another. Most people are suck in war, famine, disease etc. Human nature is to either fight or flight. These people are choosing to run but they aren’t running to safety because that does not exist. 

The boat was packed with at least 152 people. 51 Somalis and 101 Ethiopians who departed “Yemen’s Al Buraiqa coast for Djibouti, a tiny African nation across the Gulf of Aden”. The vessel was running by unethical and unmoral smugglers who attempted to take the refugees and migrants to Djibouti. This was done in addition to extorting money from the refugees and migrants. The boat overturned when gunfire was reported. Severally damaged by successive droughts, hunger and disease, the Horn of Africa is a major source of migration by people desperate for a better life.